December 10, 2018 – In response to recent changes in State law, The Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on October 23rd authorizing the Community Development Agency (CDA) to establish a pre-application conditional process for temporary local authorization regarding cannabis cultivation for State temporary licenses. The intention of this program is to allow Nevada County cannabis farmers the opportunity to get in line with the State for a 2019 cannabis license, once the County’s permanent ordinance is adopted by the Board of Supervisors next year.

This application process became available to customers at 8:00am on October 24th. This is a streamlined application, review, and response process based on review of high-level components shown in the County’s draft cannabis ordinance. Currently CDA has issued temporary local authorizations to 118 customers with 8 other applications in the process of being reviewed.

In addition, CDA staff has been working closely with applicable stakeholders over the past two months in an effort to continue to monitor the progress of the Environmental Impact Report, reviewing needed minor modifications to the draft ordinance, and creating a pre-application process in preparation of the permanent cannabis ordinance. This consisted of several meetings with the local fire districts, Nevada County Sheriff’s Office, the Nevada County Cannabis Alliance, and the established multi-departmental cannabis workgroup. CDA staff also partnered with the Cannabis Alliance to be part of two cannabis permit workshops to improve outreach and awareness of cannabis requirements and programs.

To learn more about cannabis permitting visit our Cannabis Conversation webpage. If you have any questions about the temporary cannabis local authorization please do not hesitate to contact the Nevada County Cannabis Division at (530) 265-1222 or email us at