Truckee, Calif. (May 28, 2024) – Building on the success of 2022 and 2023 wildfire prevention division developments, Truckee Fire is once again launching a robust set of programs and initiatives aimed at reducing wildfire risk and enhancing community resilience. Truckee Fire urges residents and homeowners to join forces in taking proactive measures against the looming threat of wildfires.

Truckee's Grapple Truck

In its first season, the Measure T-funded programs witnessed significant engagement and yielded tangible results, underscoring the community’s commitment to wildfire prevention. However, Truckee Fire acknowledges the importance of greater participation by residents and homeowners to fortify the region’s defenses against wildfires.

“Last year’s success demonstrated our community’s dedication to safeguarding our homes and neighborhoods from the devastating impact of wildfires,” remarked Truckee Fire Chief Kevin McKechnie. “While we are enthused by the participation we’ve seen, it’s imperative that we continue to rally together and amplify our efforts. Increased involvement from residents and homeowners will be pivotal in our collective mission to mitigate wildfire risk.”

The comprehensive suite of programs includes tailored defensible space and home hardening assessments, community wildfire prevention grants, and strategic partnerships for fuels reduction initiatives and green waste removal. These initiatives, bolstered by Measure T funding, aim to equip communities with the necessary tools and resources to combat wildfires effectively.  In detail, they include:

Free Defensible Space Inspections: Truckee Fire, in partnership with Fire Aside, offers custom defensible space inspections (DSI) to homeowners, residents, and community members. These inspections provide an interactive to-do list with clear instructions on creating a fire-safe environment. Participants can schedule inspections online and receive a comprehensive guide upon completion. The checklist includes tasks like reducing fuels, removing shrubs and lower tree limbs, planting low fire-risk vegetation, and improving home structures. Fire Aside reports an 81% homeowner action rate post-inspection. Learn more at

Free Greenwaste Removal Programs: Truckee Fire supports curbside green waste pick-up and dumpster rebate programs to aid homeowners in fire prevention efforts. As winter snow melts, it’s crucial to remove fallen trees and limbs. Residents should make their pile and then sign-up for the pick-up service online. Eligible materials include tree limbs, shrubs, and trees up to eight inches in diameter. Details at

$500 Home Hardening Rebate Program: Wind-borne embers are the leading cause of home ignition and hardening your home can help protect it when wildfire strikes. This process involves using non-combustible building materials, keeping the area around your home free of debris and taking other steps to keep embers from entering the home. Through Measure T, homeowners can earn up to $500 in rebates for home upgrades. You can start by scheduling a defensible space inspection. Learn more at:

Up to $500 Thousand in Wildfire Prevention Grants: Truckee Fire’s Wildfire Prevention Grant Program offers up to $500 thousand for fuel reduction, community preparedness or forest management projects within the district boundaries. Truckee Fire aims to fund multiple projects equitably across the district. No funding limits. Projects can focus on Forest Fuels Reduction, Forest Health, Community Preparedness, or Wildfire Prevention Education. Requirements at

Ongoing and Comprehensive Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP): Truckee Fire’s Measure T-supported Community Wildfire Protection Plan outlines fire risk reduction priorities and initiatives for the Wildland Urban Interface area. Highly qualified Wildfire Prevention Managers collaborated with experts,Vibrant Planet’s Land Tender decision support software, and the community. The CWPP serves as the roadmap for wildfire resilience and project area prioritization.The CWPP is in its final form and will be signed into action by the implementing agencies and organizations this summer. 

“We’ve seen firsthand the difference proactive measures can make in minimizing wildfire threats,” emphasized Wildfire Prevention Manager Eric Horntvedt. “As we embark on another season, we call upon every member of the community to actively participate in our wildfire management programs. Together, we can fortify Truckee against the perils of wildfires and ensure a safer, more resilient future.”

Truckee Fire encourages residents and homeowners to leverage the array of resources available and engage wholeheartedly in wildfire prevention efforts. By fostering a culture of preparedness and collaboration, the community can forge a path towards enhanced wildfire resilience.

For more information on Truckee Fire and Measure T initiatives, please visit