Carolyn Crane, a teacher, writer, and Nevada County native, returns to Nevada City on June 17 to give a talk at the Madelyn Helling Library. 

Carolyn Crane
Carolyn Crane

The talk, “As Luck Would Have It: My New Life in Michigan” is a humorous look at Crane’s whimsical decision to move from the San Juan Ridge to Michigan in 2021 and the new life she has created there.

For many years, Crane taught English at Sierra College. In addition, she hosted a morning variety show on KVMR-FM, where she was also a news host, reporter, and producer.

She was voted EOPS (Educational Opportunities Programs and Services) teacher of the year at Sierra College and won awards for her radio journalism from the Sacramento News and Review and the Sierra Club. 

As part of the talk, Crane will share details about her upcoming biography of Utah Phillips, which Monthly Review Press will publish in 2026. She will also unveil her upcoming podcast, which listeners can look forward to later this year or early in 2025. 

The talk is free to the public. It begins at 5 PM on Monday, June 17 in the Gene Albaugh Community Room at the Madelyn Helling Library in Nevada City. The talk should last about an hour and will be followed by a question-and-answer session.