SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comments on a plan to expedite fuels reduction treatments and fire protection efforts near high fire-risk areas on public lands in 44 counties throughout California and northwest Nevada. The statewide Wildland-Urban Interface fuels treatments programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) aims to facilitate projects on approximately 900,000 acres of public land near rural communities

Statewide WUI Fuels Treatments pEA Overview Map

“The BLM is adding another tool to our wildfire prevention and protection toolbox.” said BLM California State Director Karen Mouritsen. “This initiative is designed to streamline on-the-ground projects to reduce hazardous fuels and double down on our efforts to protect local communities”

Fuels reduction projects aim to reduce the intensity, severity, and the spread of wildfire on public lands by reducing overgrowth, creating fuel breaks and thinning forest density. As a result, communities in and around BLM lands will experience reduced likelihood of loss of life, property, and community infrastructure from wildfires.

These treatments will also improve firefighting conditions when wildfires happen, allowing for greater success of fire suppression and fire perimeter control, contributing to increased safety for firefighters and decreased suppression costs by reducing potential fire damage and fire size.

The public may submit written comments on the issues, potential impacts, alternatives, and project design features presented in the preliminary EA and the Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by visiting or by email: The BLM will consider all substantive comments received by Friday, January 20, 2023, in finalizing the EA.