October 31, 2018 – Shannan Moon’s campaign today announced additional endorsements by former elected officials: Paul Matson and Robert Bergman, both former Nevada City Mayors, and former District 1 Supervisor Peter Van Zant.

Matson highlighted Shannan’s experience and credentials saying, “It was my privilege to serve Nevada City for twenty years as a City Council Member including several terms as Mayor. I had the opportunity to work with our local Public Safety agencies. Shannan Moon will work well with all of them. She has the comprehensive experience combined with the right credentials and sensibilities to do a great job as our Nevada County Sheriff”.

Bergman has worked with many public safety agencies and believes Shannan has all the right qualities to succeed as Sheriff. He stated, “during the years I spent on Nevada City’s City Council, I developed a solid relationship with our police department, and one that I’ve maintained. I listened to them closely when we talked about community policing, the department’s customer service and leadership issues, and I took in what they were explaining to me. From those conversations I now have a strong sense of the qualities and abilities the Nevada County Sheriff should have: Leadership, intelligence, experience, strength, balance, fairness and character are on my short list. I am delighted to see all of those and more in Shannan Moon, and my support of her is absolute and offered without hesitation.”

Van Zant believes that Shannan has the experience and vision to lead the Sheriff’s Office into the future, “I absolutely endorse Shannan Moon as the next Sheriff of Nevada County. Watching Shannan work her way up through the ranks of the Sheriff’s office, ultimately earning the rank of Captain tells me she has the experience to lead the Sheriff’s office into the future. Shannan stands for innovation and transparency which is exactly what Nevada County needs right now.”

Shannan is also endorsed by current Supervisors Heidi Hall and Hank Weston and current Grass Valley and Nevada City Mayors Howard Levine and David Parker. For a complete list of endorsements and more information on Shannan Moon’s campaign, please visit her website: www.MoonForSheriff2018.com

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