January 8, 2019 – Eating healthier is a common New Year’s resolution. Many people start off well, but then revert to old habits. Try the following tips to get on the path to healthy eating:

  • Make the healthy choice the easy choice. Have vegetables and fruits washed, cut up, and available in the refrigerator. Children and adults are more likely to grab fruits and vegetables, if they can see them easily.
  • Make a grocery list, and stick to it. Impulse purchases tend to be high in calories and low in nutrition.
  • Make half your grains whole. Choose whole grains such as 100% whole wheat bread, brown rice, or whole grain pastas instead of white, refined grains.
  • Try switching to a lower fat milk. For example, if you are drinking 2% milk, try going to 1%.
  • Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Choose from fresh, frozen, or canned to make half your plate fruits and vegetables.

You do not have to make all of these changes at once. Pick one tip and try it for a couple of weeks. When this has become a habit, add another. Before you know it, you will be incorporating all of these ideas and living a healthy lifestyle throughout the year.

Children and adults participating in the Let’s Eat Healthy! Program are learning about the importance of making healthy food choices through activities and workshops. For more nutrition or program information, please call (530) 889-7350 or visit our website at https://ucanr.edu/sites/letseathealthy/. “Like” us on Facebook for additional tips and updates at UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program, Placer/Nevada Counties.