May 4, 2020 – Today Governor Newsom announced good news that “the state can begin to move into Stage 2 of modifying the stay at home order this Friday, May 8, with guidelines released Thursday, May 7,” according to a press release on Governor Gavin Newsom’s website.

Stage 2 will focus on reopening lower-risk businesses with modifications to lower the risk of transmission. The State is planning to provide initial guidance on businesses such as “bookstores, clothing stores, florists and sporting goods stores.”

“The Board of Supervisors and County Staff are awaiting details on the criteria of the state’s readiness plan,” said Alison Lehman, County Executive Officer. “We are confident that the good work we have done collaborating with key stakeholders and community partners will make the progress through the state’s next phases clear and steady.”

“Nevada County has the groundwork in place to be able to quickly respond to modifications in the state order with a thoughtful, phased approach,” added Ryan Gruver, Health and Human Services Director. “Our residents have also played a role in our community readiness. We would not be in a position to move safely towards Stage 2 without everyone’s effort to stick to the Stay-at-Home orders.”

Nevada County Report Card: “Readiness Criteria”

The Governor also issued a state “Report Card” indicating that the state is currently meeting all key measures for moving into Stage 2. Although the state’s readiness criteria will be released in the coming days, indicators point towards Nevada County being on track to begin Stage 2 reopening.

“For local businesses Stage 2 may look like meeting state requirements and creating a physical distancing plan before opening,” said Dr. Ken Cutler, Public Health Officer. “Because of our community commitment to following the Stay-at-Home orders health impacts have been limited and we are prepared to move into this next stage.”

The State also announced that counties can move more quickly through Stage 2, which includes offices and dine-in restaurants according to the Governor’s Office press release, if the state’s readiness criteria is met.

Recovery Advisory Committee

Nevada County has convened a Recovery Advisory Committee to provide guidance and resources to local businesses to assist them in preparing to reopen, once allowed, with modified public health and safety measures in place.

“The Recovery Advisory Committee will also provide recommendations to Dr. Cutler on how we move forward in Nevada County,” said Mali Dyck, Assistant County Executive Officer. “Having a Recovery Advisory Committee already in place puts our best foot forward to reopen our local businesses safely.”

The Recovery Advisory Committee has worked to prepare to provide local guidance to businesses owners this week, in alignment with guidance expected from the State on Thursday.