January 22nd, 2018 – Shannan Moon has announced two new endorsements of her campaign for Sheriff  of Nevada County. Supervisors Heidi Hall of District 1 and Hank Weston of District 4 announced their support today in a joint statement issued by the campaign.

“Shannan’s experience and skill set make her the most qualified candidate seeking the position.” Supervisor Weston said earlier today. “She’s a home-grown candidate who truly understands the needs of Nevada County and will make sure our County remains a safe place to live.”

“Shannan has served in all positions within the Sheriff’s Office, from an entry level deputy, then promoted all the way up to Captain of Operations.  In every assignment, she has received outstanding reviews, she’s tried new ways of doing things, and she’s instituted positive changes. Shannan Moon understands what it will take to maintain an effective Sheriff’s Department, and maintain our quality of life here in Nevada County.”

Supervisor Hall highlighted Moon’s relationship with the community as her reason to endorse, saying, “Shannan Moon’s ability to listen and understand the issues that affect the people of the county sets her apart from the other candidates. She has a talent for reaching across divisions to find common ground, shown in her work with local stakeholders on cannabis, jails, and mental health.”

“Shannan is a pragmatic, compassionate problem-solver: focused on the issues, intelligent, prepared, and responsive. Her leadership and her integrity as the next Sheriff will help bring the community together, and help move the NCSO forward.”

Shannan Moon’s campaign has attracted broad support throughout the county. Endorsers include past and present office holders, law enforcement professionals, small business owners, teachers, students, and many others.

A lifelong resident of Nevada County, Shannan Moon is a Captain in the NCSO. She announced her candidacy for Sheriff in June.

For more information, or to contact the campaign, please visit MoonforSheriff2018.com or email info@moonforsheriff2018.com.