Nevada City, Calif. June 6, 2017 – Advocating for a more modern and transparent community policing model, Shannan Moon, a Captain and 27-year veteran of the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office, will announce her candidacy for sheriff with a campaign kick off at Ol’ Republic Brewery on Thursday, June 8th at 5:00 pm. “Shannan Moon is an innovative forward thinker with a proven track record for positive change and working collaboratively with our partners in the community,” said Jeff Pettit, also a Captain of the Sheriff’s Office. “This can be seen through the programs she has introduced in the county jail such as Arts in Corrections and the Jail to Community Re-Entry Program, both of which show great promise in reducing recidivism and breaking the cycle of incarceration.” The daughter of former Nevada City police Chief Jim Moon, Shannan joined the sheriff’s office as a correctional officer in 1990, climbing the ranks of the department as the first female Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain respectively. Her commitment to to reform, innovation, and open communication resulted in her selection as 2016 Nevada County Employee of the Year. “Through hard work and professional courtesy, the turnaround we can make in people’s lives is incredible,” said Moon. “I’m running for Sheriff because I believe that the citizens of Nevada County deserve an innovative, transparent, and community-oriented Sheriff’s Office. By building on the relationships we’ve developed and modernizing our office with body-worn cameras and online tools, we can make a positive impact on the community and the people we strive to protect and serve.” Shannan Moon is a lifelong resident of Nevada County. She currently lives in Grass Valley with her wife Amy and three daughters. Facebook page:

3 replies on “Shannan Moon Announces Candidacy for Nevada County Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator”

  1. As a successful, professional woman in this community, I fully support Shannan Moon and will be voting for her.

  2. We need some good information on the candidates. Are there going to be public forums? As much as I like to support women candidates, just being a woman isn’t a good enough reason to vote for anyone. I was excited about Shannan until I heard Keith Royal endorsed her. I need more information before I can say I’m voting for her.

    1. Yes, there will be forums – of course. Keep in mind the election is one year out. We will profile the candidates and ask about their positions on issues.

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