The Sierra Nevada Conservancy, a state agency dedicated to improving the environmental, economic, and social well-being of the Sierra Nevada region, has launched its 2022 Strategic Land Conservation and Vibrant Recreation and Tourism Directed Grant programs.

“These two vital grant programs will help us to continue our efforts to conserve lands that provide essential benefits to California and combat the effects of climate change, and augment local economies through the expansion of recreation and tourist options in the rural Sierra Nevada,” said Angela Avery, executive officer with the Conservancy. “We look forward to seeing the proposals that come in over the next several weeks and supporting the on-the-ground projects that our valued partners plan on implementing throughout our region to address these critical needs.”

The Vibrant Recreation and Tourism Directed Grant Program supports efforts to enhance and develop sustainable recreation and tourism opportunities, as well as increase access to public lands in the Sierra Nevada region. The Strategic Land Conservation Directed Grant Program conserves lands through the planning and implementation of fee-title and conservation-easement acquisitions that provide access for public use or to public lands, safeguard lands threatened by conversion, and protect lands that provide critical resilience to climate change.

This current grant-program cycle includes a minimum of $3.1 million available for Vibrant Recreation and Tourism and a minimum of $6.7 million available for Strategic Land Conservation. The funding for both programs is part of the state’s historic $15 billion investment focused on protecting Californians from the effects of climate change, including wildfires, drought, and extreme heat.

Applicants interested in applying for a grant are encouraged to discuss project ideas with an SNC Area Representative. Concept Proposals must be submitted by May 6, 2022. If invited, full proposals will be due July 22, 2022. Awards will be made starting in December 2022.

The Vibrant Recreation and Tourism and Strategic Land Conservation programs are vital initiatives of the Sierra Nevada Watershed Improvement Program, a large-scale, holistic effort to restore resilience to forested landscapes and communities throughout the Sierra Nevada.

The SNC is a California state agency that initiates, encourages, and supports efforts that improve the environmental, economic, and social well-being of the Sierra Nevada Region, its communities, and the people of California. Learn more about SNC.