Nevada City Councilwoman Erin Minett supports the County’s free green waste disposal program and is advocating for a new Nevada City specific vegetation management ordinance.

Councilwoman Minett is a leader in Nevada City efforts to clean up both city owned parcels and private property as part of a multi-prong effort to keep Nevada City safe from the threat of wildfire.

Councilwoman Minett at the county's free green waste event
Getting it done! Less fuel makes safer neighborhoods.

As the longest serving member of Council (once Mayor Stawser retires in June) I remember the fear in our community after the devastating Camp Fire in Paradise 3 years ago.  We took the lessons learned seriously in our response and the work is ongoing. I formed a Fire Safety Advisory Committee, worked with others to get free yard waste twice a year in Nevada City – in addition to the county’s free collections,- and created the Adopt-a-Sliver Program wherein volunteers help clean up city owned tiny parcels and then adopt their care.  Fire preparedness is vital to our future and will be an ongoing concern,” says the former mayor and sitting councilwoman.

After the delays and challenges of the pandemic, and with a new City Manager on board, the Fire Safety Advisory Committee’s recommendations are now being reviewed by staff to bring to the city council as a new, Nevada City specific, vegetation management ordinance to further the efforts to make Nevada City better hardened to fire disaster. 

            “The weather just keeps getting warmer and drier.   We must be proactive in order to protect ourselves.  Every effort makes your property a bit safer and that makes your neighbors a bit safer.”

Councilwoman Minett thanks all those who helped put on last weekend’s event:  The County of Nevada and Fire Safe Council of Nevada County for organizing the event; and CALFIRE for their ongoing local support.

All Nevada County residents are encouraged to participate.  The remaining 3 days for free green waste disposal are on April 8, 9, 10, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., at 12625 Brunswick Rd. (Please enter at Millsite Rd. and E. Bennett Rd.)

There will be additional Nevada City specific events soon to be announced for late spring.  Details regarding time and location are being finalized now.

“Nevada City is my passion,” says Minett.  “The future looks bright but we have a lot of work to do.  I’m looking forward to completing projects we have started and building upon their success.  Fire is a complicated problem but I know we can come together to meet the moment.  I’ll continue to listen respectfully to all concerns and make the best decisions I can for our future in this wonderful place.”

Councilwoman Minett is running for reelection in this June’s primary election.