Young Spotted Towhee ready for feeding. Photo: Ann Westling

April 3, 2018 – An orientation and training on April 28th is being sponsored by Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release (WR&R) for volunteers interested in working at WR&R’s Intake Center or joining the Songbird Team as a home rehabber. The training will be held at WR&R’s Intake Center, 809 Maltman Dr., Grass Valley, from 10:00 – 3:00, with registration starting at 9:30. It will include learning how to assess and care for injured songbirds as well as how to identify baby songbirds.

“Caring for orphaned and injured songbirds and then releasing them back into the wild is an incredible experience. We are really in need of more songbird rehabbers and Intake Center volunteers and welcome everyone who might be interested in this heartwarming opportunity,” stated Kathleen Willis, Intake Center Director. “The Intake Center is open from May 1 through August and is the primary triage center for assisting songbirds.” continued Willis. The newly expanded and renovated Intake Center is located across the street from Taco Bell, next door to Walker’s Office Supply.

Immature Warbler gaping for a meal. Photo: Ann Westling

Participants should bring a bag lunch or plan to get take-out from a nearby restaurant. The class is $10 for first-timers and $5 for members with previous training this year. Attendees will have the opportunity to join WR&R, sign-up to be licensed rehabbers and/or work at the Intake Center. Anyone wanting to be a songbird rehabber or Intake Center volunteer will need to become a member of WR&R. For more information and to RSVP contact Kathleen Willis, 530-470-0565.

In 2017 WR&R treated almost 400 songbirds. Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release (WR&R) is the all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that treats orphaned and injured birds and small mammals and releases them back into the wild in Nevada County.

What: Training on Songbird Care and Intake Center Protocols
Where: 809 Maltman Dr., Grass Valley, across from Taco Bell in the Brunswick Basin
When: Saturday – April 28 from 10:00 – 3:00 (registration begins at 9:30)
More Information: Kathleen Willis – 530-470-0565