December 1, 2017 – On August 8, 2017, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution approving a contract with Sugar Bowl Corporation for snow removal services for the Soda Springs area of eastern Nevada County. However, due to a recent change in California law, Sugar Bowl determined it would not be feasible to contract with the county to provide snow removal services. Both parties worked diligently to find a solution for the snow removal needs of the county. After efforts by both parties to find a workable solution were unsuccessful, Sugar Bowl determined the contract with the county needed to be terminated.

On November 2, 2017 Sugar Bowl provided notice terminating their snow removal contract with Nevada County. Sugar Bowl is contractually obligated to provide snow removal services through December 2nd.

Staff has reached out to numerous public and private partners over the past month in an effort to continue snow removal services for the Soda Springs area this upcoming winter. During these discussions, Placer County offered their assistance with snow removal services. Placer County currently performs snow removal services for nearby Soda Springs Road and the Serene Lakes community and has available manpower and equipment necessary to perform the work. The County will reimburse Placer County with a maximum not to exceed amount of $180,000. The contract will include snow removal, snow pack removal, and road sanding services.

Sugar Bowl is committed to continue working with both counties to ensure that snow removal service levels are maintained through the winter. Nevada County staff will also be available to assist in snow removal services as needed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Nevada County Department of Public Works at (530) 265-1411.