April 25, 2017 – This week, the Guttmacher Institute released a new report showing that Planned Parenthood served more contraceptive clients than any other publicly funded provider in 2015, confirming that Planned Parenthood remains a critical resource for family planning care across the country.

This report comes at a critical time, when anti-women’s health politicians in Congress are pushing to block millions of people from accessing birth control, cancer screenings, and other preventive care at Planned Parenthood health centers. As the report demonstrates, blocking people from accessing care at Planned Parenthood health centers will have a devastating impact on families and communities across the United States.

The report found that 6.2 million women in the United States received publicly supported contraceptive services from 10,700 clinics in the United States in 2015. Clinics funded by the Title X national family planning program served 3.8 million of these women. Planned Parenthood health centers were at the forefront of providing care and served nearly one-third of all women seeking care at a publicly funded family planning provider in 2015.

Key Points:

In 2015, Planned Parenthood health centers served more than 4 in 10 Title X clients, demonstrating the importance of Planned Parenthood across the country.

  • Planned Parenthood health centers provided care to 41% of contraceptive clients who relied on Title X for health care services, even though they comprised just 13% of all Title X clinics offering family planning care.
  • Comparatively, FQHCs comprised 26% of Title X clinics offering family planning care, but provided care to just 19% of contraceptive clients who relied on Title X for health care services.
  • Planned Parenthood health centers provided care to more than twice as many contraceptive clients under Title X than FQHCs.

In 2015, Planned Parenthood health centers continued to be a trusted resource for family planning care. Planned Parenthood health centers served more contraceptive clients than any other publicly funded provider.

  • Planned Parenthood health centers served 32% of all publicly funded contraceptive clients, even though they comprised just 6% of all publicly funded providers.
  • Comparatively, FQHCs comprised 54% of all publicly funded providers, but provided care to fewer (30%) contraceptive clients than Planned Parenthood health centers.

Research has shown that Planned Parenthood consistently outperforms other publicly funded providers, including FQHCs, when it comes to meeting the family planning needs of people across the United States by:

  • Providing the full range of birth control methods on-site;
  • Filling longer-term contraceptive prescriptions; and
  • Offering shorter wait times and expanded health center hours.

Read the full report from the Guttmacher Institute here.
