Posted inRegional

Heather Burke: Sweeping Changes to Nevada County’s Code Enforcement Procedure Up for Decision Tomorrow: Why Everyone Should be Concerned

September 23, 2019 – A resolution to approve sweeping changes to the County’s ordinance enforcement rules for ALL LAND USE violations was quietly placed on the Board of Supervisors’ agenda for Tuesday. It is critical to note the County is now treating cannabis enforcement in the same manner as non-cannabis enforcement. But, rather than reduce […]

Posted inRegional

Op-Ed | Heather Burke’s Response to Cliff Newell’s Statement on Deputy Mackey

February 7, 2018 – As a Nevada City attorney with at least four cases affected by the numerous complaints of misconduct against Nevada County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jason Mackey, I strongly contest the current DA’s characterization of the investigation as resolved. Far from it, our local Courts are only beginning to look more deeply at […]

Posted inRegional

Op-Ed | Heather Burke: Hiring of consultant a wise decision, but what about those fines?

NEVADA CITY, Calif. March 17, 2017 – I must admit I am grateful to the County for seeking a consultant to help them develop and administer a “stakeholder process” to regulate cannabis cultivation in the unincorporated areas of Nevada County. The County’s request for an outsider is a wise decision, regardless of whether the rationale […]

Posted inThe M Files

Hurd family asks for privacy during Nevada County Measure W hearing set for tomorrow

NEVADA CITY, Calif. March 3, 2016 – The Hurd family is grateful for the outpouring of community support regarding their challenge to Measure W that is set for a hearing tomorrow.  However, due to the seriousness of this issue for their family, Forrest’s attorney has asked that only other families with children afflicted with intractable […]

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